Friday, May 30, 2008

service learning part 7

This service learning week i wasn't here but heared from my group that we go split up in 3 groups and you have to write a propose on what we want to do for your group to Dr. Davids. Hopefully my group has think up something since I wasn't here that day and Will get in touch with them soon on how and what are you going to do.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Service learning part 6

  Well last time we meet in service learning it didn't kind of go as plan as want it to because of fact since our group is called school becautifultion / garden group there some sort of mix up the sepration of the title of the group so that  caused the group to be spilt up to two. so becautifulion stayed behind and decide what they wanted to do with there group and while the garden group went to the constitution center and since i was in the becautifulion i had to stay behind with my group. Surprisly Ms. Thompson had gotten a little upset at us  because we dont know what we want to with are group. So in return she try to spilt our group up to go to different service learning groups. I decide that maybe this group not for me and its time for me to choose another group if its not o late, Unless things change.

Monday, May 12, 2008

service learning part5

  • Reflection

Well this time in service learning we didn't really accomplish anything but talked about were the flowers were going to planted and how much money was it going to cost.

  • This week
Hopefully we can discuss how we are going to get the money for the things to plant the flowers.Also we can discuss the fact of some type of design we are going to plant the flowers in.
  • Other groups
  1. My Friend caiarh is making business cards on child car safety which her group will be handing out to people as emergency contact cards.
  2. My other Korin raise money for hurricane katrineta with making a design of a 100 dollar bill.
  3. Another friend of mine name shani is raising money for people with cancer.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

service part 3 plan and reflections

Last week we talk about what roles we were going to play in are group . you could be a runner which runs places to place , a photographer that would take pics of what we were doing and a ogranizer etc. This week are going to the Constitution center and I really don't know why but hopefully it is something interesting.