Thursday, April 30, 2009

of Mice and Men Exam part 3 essay

Relate Lennie And George to two other characters in another story?

In of mice and men there are two main characters Lennie and George. George is small, Quick Clever and thinks before he acts. Lennie on the other hand is huge, shaper less, slow and doesn’t have a lot of common sense. They are unlikely pair but they some how work well together.

These two characters remind me of another pair of Characters in a pervious book that I have read which was the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and His slave friend Jim. If these to character were in of mice and men Huckleberry Finn would probably be George, because like George he is more of a leader and a thinker. Jim would probably be Lennie because is a follower and lacks knowledge to his surroundings.

George would be know as the caretaker of Lennie just like Huckleberry Finn is the caretaker of Jim. Both George and Huck are
thoughtful even they don’t really want to show it. They are intelligent and know how to survive or their own or can they?
Were as Lennie and Jim are both down size by society as human being at the time because the way the look and how they act. Lennie for instance he is mental challenged which cause many people to not relate to him or understand him. Jim however he is smart but because of the time period racism and slavery makes Jim to be look down by others.

Not only as Individuals characters they can be compare, but as a pair together these characters can be compared. Lets look at Lennie and George they are two friends that depend upon each other and some how in Trouble and find themselves running away for something. Then you have Jim and Huck they are two friends that depend upon each but some how find themselves in trouble cause them to run away. So not only they personalities are similar but there Actions are the same to.

Both pairs are really unlikely to ever happen as friends but they Complete each other. They balance each other out like without one the other they would be nothing. They both need each other to make one person. But what happens when fate cause these friends to break up? I guess we will never know.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Of Mice And Men Exam Part 2

Describe The Main Characters?

Lennie is a huge man shapeless with large, pale eyes, with wide, sleeping shoulders and he walks heavily dragging his feet. Lennie has a love for petting soft things such as such as small animals, dresses, and people's hair, leads to disaster. George is Small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong features. He had Small strong hands Slender arms, and thin and long nose. George’s behavior is motivated by the desire to protect Lennie and make there dream of owning their own farm and living happily ever after.

In your opinion Describe the theme of Mice and Men?

I believe the theme would have to that you should never plan things because it is not promise that is will go perfectly though or it might not happen at all. Though out the book of you notice that also ever character had a plan but something that got in the way. For Instance when Curley’s wife she had a plan to go be in movies and to be famous but her mother won’t let her . Even the biggest plan that was laid which was George, Lennie and Candy’s to own a farm and to live off the fat of the land that did not and even worst someone died.

There are lot of symbols in this book can you name one and define it and how it use in the book?

When Lennie get a new puppy. The puppy is suppose to mean a new hope , a dream to believe and a Start of a new life. Unfortunately when that puppy is kill by Lennie that dream and a new life starts to crumble in the matter of seconds. Although no other no other person can beat him but huge Lennie Will soon meet a fate similar to that of his Small puppy.

Name and describe a motif (Something that happens over and over again)?

When the story first beings it starts off with a motif when we learn early on that Lennie and George are on the run form the previous ranch where they worked, due to trouble with a woman. Lennie’s of love of soft things encounters a trouble with Curley’s wife. Then giving his fate and others fate to change and not for the better.