Thursday, December 20, 2007

Should Huckleberry Finn The Book Be taught at Con High

Huckleberry Finn is a exciting book that is very interesting to read but at the same time it is controversial issues that hovers around it. most schools in the Untied States are not allow to read or teach this fascinating book , but I believe that are school should be able to read and teach it. Our school deals with controversial issue such as abortion, Killing(gun Laws),same sex marriage etc. So why not teach a book that deals with what our school is all about showing and discussing most issue that mostly can be solve by opinions or facts. Even thought Huckleberry problems are little bit different from what problems we have today it still have some seminaries. so therefore this but should be taught at con high.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

The plane ride

This story that you about to read is a narrtive that i wrote. The story is about about a girl name brooke and she just found out that shes adopted.Shes telling her on a plane about she found out she was adopted that is why i call it the plane hope you enjoy i and very interseting story and it has alot to do with decesion making.

The Plane Ride

We will be arriving in San Francisco in five minutes said the fight attend, Oh five more minutes I can’t take five more seconds on this plane, I said to myself. My name Brook which is my real name but everybody calls me Brooke, and for the last 16 years I always brought my last name was Cray until last week.

You see last week last Tuesday rather was my 16th birthday and the I and out that was adopted. Now it is bad enough being a teenager and having to deal with pimples, per pressure, girl drama and other teenager things but now being adopted just toped it all off. Wait a second I just want to pause this story and say you know how most teen that find out that there adopted and they ask questions. Yeah well I kind of just skip that part and went straight to denial. Until my parents or things lairs that said they were my parents showed me the birth certificate and the adoption papers.

Well to say what happen next lets just say my parents of the lair said
it would be a good ideal to meet my birth parents during my spring break. Instead of hanging out at the mall all week, so here I am on this stupid plane,
with these stupid people meeting these strangers I have no Ideal that they existed until a week ago.

You may know exit the plane, As I walk off the pane I am saying to myself I can’t do this, what if the don’t like me, what if I don’t like them .Or better yet what if they forget to meet me at the airport all these what if’s what if this or what if that but then I stop. I stand looking at this woman she looked to be about in her forty’s with long black hair and hazel green eyes oh and smile as big as the moon. And right beside her was this man he looked like he could be in his forty’s too tall dark skin with brown eyes. But something about him just made me free so warm. Like as if I didn’t have to worry about those what ifs anymore.

As I closely at them both of them I they held a sign saying my name on it
I stood there thinking I could walk right pass them and just forget about this whole thing and call my parents and just say the forgot all about me, they would understand. But I didn’t instead I looked at them and they looked at me and the next thing I kew as I was hugging my mother and father.

the cat in hat it id, ego and superego

This story that you about to read has to do with The cat in the hat and how the the id, ego and superego interpertes the cats background during the story . The id is the part the brain that only thinks of him or her self and only wants what it whats. the ego understands that other people have needs and desires and that sometimes being impulsive or selfish can hurt us in the long run. The superego is the moral part of us ans ir help us restraints placed on us by our caregivers. so hope you like it has a lot of details and information about the cat in hat.

The Cat In The Hat

Would you every think that the cat in the hat would have to do anything with the id, ego, and superego? Well I never thought so. I always thought it was a story dealing with responsibility and think before you do something.

In the cat in hat story t he cat how ever portrays all three of these Personalizes. The cat only wants to do want he want to do which is his Id . By ignoring the fish’s attitude’s towards him and keeps on acting out on one rule which are no rules.

To the cat the fish is a negative impulse to him and he is the positive impulse so h e therefore he tries to play games called up, up, up with the fish. But there a little twist to his personally. I mean most people would think that cat being Id through out the whole story , but he is not.

If you really look at the beinging of the story the only reason why the cat enter the story was of the children. Other words he enter the story with is superego. His superego is the moral part of your brain. The cats superego allows him to help the children to have a exciting and playful on a boarding and rainy day outside.

However at the end of the story the cat ego comes in place at the in other the story. His self conscience gets the best of him knowing children are damsel in de-stress , so his reality comes into act and knows that his selfish wants has cause major damage to the other around him.

So in the end he balances all this three personalizes but he come between difficult conflicts between himself and others. Now that you know the cats mind structure what is your best mind structure would be decided like?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Have lunch with friends

a) what is happening in the photograph?
Mrs. Thomas and group her friends at setting in a diner eatting talk and just having a good time.

b) what were the people feeling and thinking and feeling at the time?
surprise, happy,and enjoyment to be around each other. Hunrgy because they haven't eaten yet

c) why was the photograph taken?
just for the fun of it

d) what title would you give the photograph?
have lunch at the caf'e.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

My space of facebook

I believe that myspace has more freedom than facebook that is why it is block under the school distict computer. What i mean by this is with myspace any can get on with without being on some one network but with book you have to have a network with your school, job you can only talk to people that is in your network, were if your in myspce you can talk to anyone anywhere.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

My philosophy of government

My philosophy of government is we should have freedom with limiting certain rights. We as citizens should have be able speak whats on are minds .The limitations will be no stealing ,robbery,
murdering, raping, bigotry ,racisms, and all other restrict regulations voted by its citizens.We as citizens will be treated with respect and equallity.