Sunday, October 28, 2007

the cat in hat it id, ego and superego

This story that you about to read has to do with The cat in the hat and how the the id, ego and superego interpertes the cats background during the story . The id is the part the brain that only thinks of him or her self and only wants what it whats. the ego understands that other people have needs and desires and that sometimes being impulsive or selfish can hurt us in the long run. The superego is the moral part of us ans ir help us restraints placed on us by our caregivers. so hope you like it has a lot of details and information about the cat in hat.

The Cat In The Hat

Would you every think that the cat in the hat would have to do anything with the id, ego, and superego? Well I never thought so. I always thought it was a story dealing with responsibility and think before you do something.

In the cat in hat story t he cat how ever portrays all three of these Personalizes. The cat only wants to do want he want to do which is his Id . By ignoring the fish’s attitude’s towards him and keeps on acting out on one rule which are no rules.

To the cat the fish is a negative impulse to him and he is the positive impulse so h e therefore he tries to play games called up, up, up with the fish. But there a little twist to his personally. I mean most people would think that cat being Id through out the whole story , but he is not.

If you really look at the beinging of the story the only reason why the cat enter the story was of the children. Other words he enter the story with is superego. His superego is the moral part of your brain. The cats superego allows him to help the children to have a exciting and playful on a boarding and rainy day outside.

However at the end of the story the cat ego comes in place at the in other the story. His self conscience gets the best of him knowing children are damsel in de-stress , so his reality comes into act and knows that his selfish wants has cause major damage to the other around him.

So in the end he balances all this three personalizes but he come between difficult conflicts between himself and others. Now that you know the cats mind structure what is your best mind structure would be decided like?

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