Thursday, January 17, 2008

For Romero

Dear Mr. Romero

There many people that do good in this world and get recognize for doing so. While there are others that do good in this world and don’t get recognize for their good. That is why I am writing this letter to you I believe that in your class I deserve an A here some good reason into persuading why.

Ever Since the being of the year of your class I have always been helpful, hardworking and followed direction. I never acted up in you class or talk too much you class is always fun and exciting. I learn so much in class this year, such as to take three or more column notes. Those really came in handy especially when compare to story into a essay. I also learn to form questions using the 6 levels of bloom taxonomy after reading a story.

There many things I may have learn this pass year with but the most thing I will never for get is that learn was what you told me I will learn for you which is more about myself. Before writing to me was just class that I could get a easy A but I realize that it is so much more. Through writing I learn how to express myself to a character point of view instead of just writing boarding story. Writing to me has now has become one of my hobbies that enjoy doing . It’s even one the things I want do when I
grow up, which is write but think I might I have to work on my editing first

Mr .Romero there are many other things I learn in you class like for insist using a voice in you writing and making sure you use details and transitions, but that things that off the top of my head. Even through I am leaving you this year and won’t be returning until next year I will take on everything I learn and use it o in my future writing.

Zoey Frakes
Ps. I hope you think long and hard about my grade and what it should be which is an A.

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