Saturday, January 12, 2008

Frederick Douglass

The are a lot of famous writers but one the most greatest and oldest writer that comes to mine for me is Frederick Douglass. Douglass is one of the most well know writer but of the journey that he had to go through to get to becoming writer, In fact one of the people that made way for other black writer today. Now douglas history starts on 1818 in the month of February the day unknown the day he was born . His birth name was Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey Douglass was part of a large family and his father was believe to be his master and his mother was a slave. He was born on the eastern shore of Maryland. Douglas had a happy childhood growing up he mostly lived with his aunt Bestey.

As you know Frederick was born in slavery but at age 20 , he escaped in 1838, he escaped to freedom in New York.. Right after Douglass escaped he choose to start his new life with new last name that he choose from the book The lady of the lake . He then became American anti-slavery leaders. A few years later he went to work for abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison. traveling and speaking on behalf of Garrison's paper The Liberator Douglass published his memoir Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass , an American Slave in 1845.

As the years went on Douglass gained fame as a speaker, began his own anti-slavery publications and became a 'conductor' on the Underground Railroad. Then later on he Douglass married Anna Murray, a free black woman, shortly after his escape from slavery in 1838 they had four children. In later years he became a personal friend of Abraham Lincoln and helped persuade Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation. He also was a strong supporter of women's rights. He is often described as the founder of the American civil rights movement. Then in 1895 Douglass die due to a heart attack. Douglass was best know as a smart and determine. He always Fought for what he believe in and never give up.

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